Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This is a post about me this time, sans pictures. I just found out yesterday that I will be volunteering at Canadian International School three days a week. I'm quite excited! I'm helping out in a math classroom (or as they say it here "maths classroom"). I'm helping a teacher who instructs five levels of math she and is desperately in need of assistance. Yesterday she told me that she was beginning to wonder if she would be able to get all the work she had to do done. She sent me home with three classes of quizzes, which took about five hours to mark - in part because I told her that I did not need the answer key and thus needed to answer all the questions myself first. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself while I was correcting them.

I was thinking, on the way home from helping out today, how much I enjoy math and there are those that really don't get it. It's like a language, but it's a universal language. Though what we call them may be different, the numbers and the symbols say the same thing all around the world. It's pretty amazing. I enjoy helping people learn and understand. Understanding is a beautiful thing. I am definitely looking forward to helping out this year. In fact, I think the next nine months are going to be pretty fabulous. I get to tutor an amazing young woman who is "doing better than they expected" as of her progress report yesterday(!!!). I get to help students who are having a hard time understanding math and correct their papers. And I get to be in India. Really, what could be better?

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