Friday, September 26, 2008


I heard someone say recently that it is impossibly to get anywhere in the states without coming across enough advertising to be visually overwhelmed, even if you are consciously aware of it. I laughed a bit when I heard that because in India, at least in Bangalore, I could see more advertising in one day than I see in the US in about a month. I have added some pictures as an example. Again, they are mostly taken from the car as that is how I get anywhere, so they aren't the most fantastic pictures you can see.

-This is MG Road.. one of the busiest commercial streets in Bangalore.
-I don't know what Thandu is either.. but if it's edible I'll try it at some point since the sign tells me coke is good with it.

-This is another shot of MG road. All levels of the buildings have shops in them. I guess that would make it a bit like a mall, but it doesn't have a North American Mall feel.
-If you look closely at the blue sign, I'm not sure if you can see it because the pictures are small, it read "What's narrower than Shirpa's waistline? MG Road post Metro construction." It's an advertisement for I haven't been to the site, but it's where people from Bangalore can post their opinions about what's going on in the city. I find their signs rather humorous now that I've been here long enough to understand what they are getting at.

-Kingfisher. The richest man in India.. I think. He has his own airline that now flies international. Apparently he's the King of Good Times. He owns half of Richmond (an area of the city) and is currently having a very large mall constructed on some of his property in another area of town. It's amazing how much money the alcohol industry can create for one man!
-This is one of about five Economist advertisements I've seen. I got a couple other boards in with that one too.

-This is one of the building fronts along Old Airport Road. I go past here almost every day to get into the city or to Bonasvati where I help out at the orphanage.
-Another common billboard in the city. There are several varieties of this one. I have yet to understand what they are for or what they are trying to say with them.

-Embarrassingly enough, I needed this one explained to me. Apparently the man's head and the tires had something in common. They are both bald! And tires is spelled t-y-r-e-s in England, thus Bangalore needs to spell it that way.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Good thing we just got some new tyres!