Thursday, September 18, 2008

My first day

I have arrived! I came in on time yesterday morning, just before 4am. My intention was to stay up for the flight to London and sleep the whole way to Bangalore, but that did not work out as well as I had hoped. I slept for about three hours total for both flights. There was a bit of a mixup at the airport because the internet was providing people with misinformation about my flight which resulted in my ride not showing up until an hour after I landed. But, it was fine, because she arrived. I knew she would. I have learned though, that the worst question for me to be asked when I am overwhelmed is "How are you?". I break down in tears. That was interesting. I plan on getting more sleep from now on.
There are so many people on the roads. On the way back from the airport there were mostly truckes on the main roads, but when we went to the orphanage in the afternoon there were so many people - LOTS of people - walking along the roads, going in and out of shops, crossing the road... there were cyclists, scooters, motorcycles, buses, trucks, cars, vans, all trying to fit five lanes of traffic into the three marked lanes. I am amazed at how well the drivers know the size of their vehicles. I was thinking that if people back home knew that, or had the confidence of Indian drivers, I-5 traffic problems may soon be solved.. of course, there is still the whole police and rules thing.. I don't know if there are many rules here. Everyone drives on the left side of the road. That was quite the experience. I mean, the whole driving in traffic was an experience. There wasn't anything familiar about it.
I saw a waterbuffalo meandering on the side of the road yesteday while we were driving. That may have been the most shocking thing I saw because it was so unexpected. There were a lot of stray dogs on almost every road. Cindy said that they expect either to be beaten or ignored and that made me very sad. If I wanted to make friends with any of them I probably could, but they are diseased and I shouldn't want to touch them.
We went the the orphanage yesterday where Lakshmi lives. I will be tutoring her this year in English and Math so it was nice to meet her the day that I arrived. She is very sweet. All of the kids at the orphanage are sweet. I tried to help her with her math. She's learning long division. I learned that I'm terrible at explaining things especially when I think there is a language barrier. I need to refrain from thinking that she does not speak the same language as me. She knows English fairly well and I shouldn't think that she can't understand what I'm saying. After she finished her homework she read me a story in Kanata. She translated it for me, but I felt like I was missing something. I knew what was happening, but I didn't know why things were happening in the story. But the language was beautiful.

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