Monday, October 6, 2008

General Update

Cindy and I stopped by the Light House this morning, without calling ahead because we didn't have the number, only to find out that it's closed this week! Of course it's closed. Last week Thursday was the celebration of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, a national holiday and this week is Diwali. I'm not sure what this holiday is, but all schools have Thursday and Friday off. Many have taken these two weeks off. School will resume at the Light House on Oct. 15th and I will go back then to help out.

Since we were already in the city, we decided to find the new YWAM building. It wasn't too far from where we were, and very easy to find. It's in a bright orange building! We stopped in to chat at the office and were told that most of the YWAM teams are on outreach right now. In fact, the last one leaves tomorrow, so it will be a very quiet building for at least the next month. There will only be five people there! We have received an open invitation to come for lunch anytime. I will certainly take up that invitation. It would be wonderful to hang out with people my own age. So, on Mondays and Wednesdays during the lunch break that I will have between 12 and 2, I will take an auto (rickshaw) over there for lunch before heading over to the orphanage. I'm really looking forward to that.

On Thursday we are taking advantage of Katrina's four day weekend and heading southwest to Kabini! I'm really excited about that :) We get to see wild elephants! Sandeep said that we will be chased by the elephants, although I'm pretty sure he was joking. They are formidable creatures and I know I would most certainly be overtaken by one if it actually did chase me.

Volunteering at Katrina's school has been amazing. Last Friday I was able to work with two boys who knew very little English. I can't imagine trying to learn math in another language. Even though math itself is universal, the explanations of how to do it are not easily understood for some even in one's own language. I'm glad for the opportunity to help both of them understand because I think that if I am able to explain math to students who know little English, I'll pretty much be able to explain it to least in theory. I am eager to work with both of them again tomorrow. It is such a good feeling to be able to help someone understand something he/she has not been able to understand. That really makes me want to be a teacher.. hmm...

On a different note, I have decided to take advantage of the clubhouse in the neighborhood. I have been to the gym several times this week and am looking forward to continuing. I realized as I was walking over there today that I had spent quite a fair amount of the day in the car, and when I wasn't in the car I was sitting down. I was really glad to do something active.

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