Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Two posts in consecutive days?! What??!!!! Well, yes, I decided that since I have a few minutes and my attempt at recollection late at night is nothing of note, I would add on to my previous post.

One of my new friends here is Sanjay. There is a picture of him in a play car a couple posts down looking adorable, as usual. My classroom is on the third floor and borders an open terrace. The terrace is his play area for most of the day, so he frequently comes to the door or peaks in the window, calling out to get my attention. He is the most adorable thing ever. He's three, or almost there, and always calls me "Acca" which means 'older sister'. I have no idea what his other words mean, though I can usually understand his intention. He always wants me to pick him up for follow him to the kitchen, or play some game with him. He has definitely become a bright light during my days here. Everyone here says he behaves badly, but I figure, he's three. He's supposed to run around and play and act like a three-year-old boy. My interactions with him are always pleasant.. though I can't say that I truly enjoy him pretending that I am a mountain or a jungle gym. Ah well.. he's good company :)

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