Thursday, November 6, 2008


If I didn't already know who won the election a couple days ago, this morning's paper would leave me with no doubts. The Times of India wrote of nothing else on the front page and, in fact, dedicated eight pages of its 24 page paper to the news and information of Obama. There are a couple of smaller articles about him on other pages as well, and though I shouldn't have been surprised at how much coverage there was of him, I was. The Financial Express which we also get along with the Times, a small paper of only 10 pages, filled four pages with the news and what could be expected in the financial world.
We have a list of what India expects from the president-elect.
Obama is the "Dark Knight in [the] White House".
Bangalore is ecstatic.
"It's the beginning of the end of racism...will they change the name of the President's house to Black House?"
What role will young people have in the future elections in India?
Will India be hurt by Obama's win, considering his stance on outsourcing and how heavily it is used in IT companies?
Will the next US president be Hispanic?
Also, I have to laugh at the US map of the swing states. I didn't realize that Mississippi had been renamed. Apparently, it is now called Missouri. A lot has changed since I've been gone, and I'm sure there's more to come.

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